Homo Materialis
Homo Materialis is a collection of works from 1996 that evolved into its final form in 2006.
Part of this series was presented at Mary Alexiou Athens Art Space gallery, in 2007.
Amerikis str, 2007
"The work of the painter Elia Iliadi came as a natural outcome of her intensive study of the human body and its multifaceted ways of expression and movement. Her studies are primarily influenced by the ancient Attic black-figure vessels that date back to the 5th century B.C."
Passengers III, 2004
Passengers II, 2004
Passengers, 2005
Passengers, 2005
Men² I, 2004
Men² II, 2004
Men², 2002
Men², 2002
Men², 2002
The Kick, 1996
"Elia Iliadi is developing those figures , by adding up plastic qualities that perfectly match the timeless expressions of the human body. By allowing them to dwell in the third dimension, she manages to bridge the gap between painting and sculpture."
Green, 2005
Black Box, 2004
Man, 2004
Drawings, 2004
"A corollary of this attitude is the opening-up of the human dimension, through this “key” of motion, where the element of texture, acting as a kind of human substance, place the figures outside of their otherwise flattened space."
Mary Alexiou- Archaeologist/Art Historian
Man II, 2005
Man III, 2005
Man IV, 2005
Box, 2005
Box II, 2005
Untitled, 2004